Beat The Boss 1, 2, 3 iOS hack pack (No jailbreak)
iFunbox, iTools, Diskaid or IExplorer
A computer
Hack Features:
Boss 1
100020 Hearts
152971 Coins
16919 Gems
Boss 2
100072 Hearts
12950 Coins
96953 Gems
Boss 2 17+
100066 Hearts
350618 Coins
112332 Gems
Boss 3
249 Hearts
10790770 Coins
840425 Gems
Boss 3 17+
248 Hearts
10790820 Coins
840425 Gems
Download (Full pack):
1.Download the file from above
2.Extract the RAR file using Winrar
3. Use a file browser of your choice (iFile, DiskAid, iFunBox...) and put the savedata on the game folder. Please look at the game locations.
4. Reboot your device
5. Start the game and enjoy!
Game Locations:
Boss 1:
User Applications -> Boss -> Documents
Boss 2:
User Applications -> Boss 2 -> Documents
"/var/mobile/Applications/Boss 2/Documents/"
Boss 2 17+:
User Applications -> Boss 2+ -> Documents
"/var/mobile/Applications/Boss 2+/Documents/"
Boss 3:
User Applications -> Boss 3 -> Documents
"/var/mobile/Applications/Boss 3/Documents/"
Boss 3+:
User Applications -> Boss 3+ -> Documents
"/var/mobile/Applications/Boss 3+/Documents/"
Credits to: