[HACK] Gangstar Vegas iOS v1.3.0 hacks (Jailbreak)

[HACK] Gangstar Vegas iOS v1.3.0 hacks (Jailbreak)

Gangstar Vegas iOS v1.3.0 hacks (Jailbreak)

This is for educational purpose only! All rights goes to Gameloft!

Credits to: Anon & 天才神

iFile installed on the device (Cydia)
iFunbox, Diskaid, iTools or iExplorer

Hack features:
Infinite Ammo (No Reload)
Infinite Grenades(Have at least 1)
Infinite Sprint
Infinite Cash
Infinite SP*
Infinite Keys*
Infinite Respect(Earn Some)
Infinite Health
Infinite Health Packs**
Infinite Armor Packs**
Infinite Repair Kits**
Infinite Parachutes**
Never get Wanted

Ghost Town:
(Don't attempt to steal cars. The game will freeze if you do so. Just buy a car from the store and use that.)

Rapid Fire:
(Basically removes reload time. So you can constantly shoot while holding down the button. You should no longer have to repeatedly tap the button for rocket launcher for example.)

Infinite Vehicle Health
(Affects all vehicles)

One hit Kill
(This is for melee attacks only. Beware enemies have the same ability. So use this with Infinite Health hack and you will be fine unless you want a challenge )

No Vehicle Impact Damage
(Vehicles wont take damage when smashing into stuff. You can still blow em up with weapons.)

No enemy weapons
(Enemies do not carry weapons of any kind. All they have is their fists.)

Vehicle Occupant hack
(When a vehicle is "destroyed", it will not kill you. The vehicle will not explode either. When it becomes unusable it will kick you out and you will not be able to re enter it.)

* SP, and Keys are linked in one switch.

** Health packs, Armor packs, Repair kits, and Parachutes are all linked in one switch as well.



1. Download the hack (If on mobile downloading skip to step 7/8)
2. Download a file transfer utility such as iTools
3. Open iTools
4. Go to the File System tab
5. Select the One that says “File System(Jailbreaked)” directory structure
6. Place the .deb file you downloaded into any directory you like it does not matter. Personally I recommend var/mobile for quick access

7. On your iDevice go into iFile
8. In iFile go to wherever you placed the file(Or Downloaded it to if you downloaded on your iDevice)
9. Select the file and tap install
10. After it finishes installing, Respring your device.

How to Use:
This section is important if you want to see the hack actually work.

Now that the device has resprung (The device may dim if on iOS 6. Just lock and unlock screen to fix.) Go into the settings app.
Scroll down until you see Gangstar Vegas Cheats.
Open that up.
Turn on whatever you want.
Then go and start the game and the features will be turned on. To turn features on and off you have to close the game process when turning switches on or off.
Enjoy the Hack

Credits to: Anon & 天才神