[HACK] Blitz Brigade - Online multiplayer shooting action! iOS v1.3.0 +4 cheats [Jailbreak]

[HACK] Blitz Brigade - Online multiplayer shooting action! iOS v1.3.0 +4 cheats [Jailbreak]

[HACK] Blitz Brigade - Online multiplayer shooting action! iOS v1.3.0 +4 cheats [Jailbreak]

This hack is so awesome, so i decided to share a hacked binary file of Blitz Brigade to everyone! Now time to kill other players with umlimited ammo.... bang bang bang boom boom boom... diiiiiiiie

Jailbroken iDevice

Inf Ammo
Ammo will never decrease
Inf Health (Might not work)
Max Score in Missions

Download link:
Download link

1. Download the binary file from above
2. Connect your iDevice to your computer with USB cable
3. On your computer. Start iFunbox or any file explorer software
4. Navigate to User Applicaions -> blitz -> blitz.app
5.Backup the original binary file 'blitz' to your computer
6. Replace the hacked 'blitz' file into 'blitz.app' folder
7. On your device. Open iFile, Navigate to User Applicaions-> blitz -> blitz.app
8.On 'blitz' file.click on the blue (i) icon
9. Set ownershop to mobile and mobile and set permission to 777
10. Run the game and Enjoy!
