[HACK] Infinity Likes 2 iOS For Instagram unlimited gold hack (No jailbreak)

[HACK] Infinity Likes 2 iOS For Instagram unlimited gold hack (No jailbreak)

Infinity Likes 2 iOS For Instagram unlimited gold hack (No jailbreak)

Hack Feature:
Coin Hack Membership Hack Current Level Gold

Download iFunBox
Works on JB and NON-JB

Mediafire Link where hack is: com.infinitylikes2free.application

Hack Instructions:
1. Dont Open Infinity Likes Yet
2. Download the Hack
3. Go To User Applications -> Infinity Likes 2 ->Library -> Preferences
4. Replace the com.infinitylikes2free.application.plist file

5. Go back on app then your done

6. If the points go negative re apply the hack again what you donwloaded